Thursday, November 02, 2006


Welcome to my world of bells. You can read this blog top down! My dates are not relevant. I insert new posts in the order I would like them to be seen. Sorry - it's the way I like to do things! Hope you enjoy what follows.............................................


Anonymous said...

Hello, Good Sir! Thought you would enjoy knowing that I footnoted your site in a paper on sanctus bells for the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Sarah

Fido said...

Thanks Sarah - Always pleased to know there might be something of interest to others!

leticia zimerman said...

señor su blog es muy lindo y lo he agregado a mi lista de favoritos saludos lety

Anonymous said...

Hi. I found your name on facebook & have viewed your web page. I live in New Zealand and also collect bells. I have approx 550. I was a member of the New Zealand Bell Collectors Assn for 25 years. Our group has recently closed down because of the age of members. We were also a chapter of the American Bell Collectors.

Fido said...


550 bells - a great source for a bell blog?!

Bella said...

What beautiful bells! Another great source is the American Bell Association International Inc., a worldwide organization of bell collectors.

Fido said...

I was a member - great source of information!

Anonymous said...

are all "fiddian" bells stamped "fiddiaan??????

Fido said...

I thought perhaps that's how I described my Fiddian bell. So have you seen one with the extra 'a' ?

Anonymous said...

Hello, this blog came up when searching for Henry Symondson. I have a bell which I think was made by him on ebay at the moment along with 9 other 1800/1900 century bells. One of the bells is marked H (star symbol) and S. A colleague of mine has given me this information about Symondson. I will be adding shortly to the the ebay listing. I also have one that is marked on the inside WA which I am now trying to search for more information on. Search for antique handbell and you should see all of the bells I have listed.

Thanks Marilyn