Thursday, November 02, 2006
Welcome to my world of bells. You can read this blog top down! My dates are not relevant. I insert new posts in the order I would like them to be seen. Sorry - it's the way I like to do things! Hope you enjoy what follows.............................................
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Introducing my collection
I have published this blog to share some of the fun I have had in building my bell collection. I have always had in mind the need to limit the numbers and size of bells to avoid turning my house into a museum. I have set limiting criteria. I have concentrated mainly on bronze bells with handles from famous foundries around the world past and present. But I also have bells which have had a variety of practical uses. I love excuses to visit a bell foundry or anyone with a bell on offer. I enjoy contact with sellers in other countries. I have read several books about bells and joined the American Bell Association and the Bell Collectors of the British Isles group. I keep the collection in my study, a room about 12ft x 10 ft, and have a few outside the house. The photos show a part of the room. The bells sit alongside other essentials in what is a well used practical room. As well as bells I enjoy music, opera, sport, the internet and photography. I hope my little stories will encourage others to share their passions whatever they might be.
Because I want to keep my collection together in my study, from time to time I sell bells to make room for a special addition. In this blog, I will put a note against any bells I have now sold. But I will keep the entry as a reminder and it may help someone to identify a bell.
Because I want to keep my collection together in my study, from time to time I sell bells to make room for a special addition. In this blog, I will put a note against any bells I have now sold. But I will keep the entry as a reminder and it may help someone to identify a bell.
About blogger
If you are not familiar with the blogger website here is a tip. Have a look at the 'About me' section top left and below it you will see:
'View my complete profile'
Click on that and scroll down to see links to all my blogs. These tell the full story behind some of my bell adventures.
But leave that 'till later. For now, read on........
'View my complete profile'
Click on that and scroll down to see links to all my blogs. These tell the full story behind some of my bell adventures.
But leave that 'till later. For now, read on........
Finding Bells
Bells are everywhere. Anyone could quickly assemble a huge collection. They come in all shapes and sizes and different materials. Apart from obvious sources like antique shops, charity shops, car boot and garage sales, you can buy new from suppliers and bell foundries. And then there is Ebay.They are in nearly every home, on display or in the attic. They can cost a few pence or a few thousand.
So a collector has to decide what type of bell to collect, how many and at what cost. I am determined not to let my bells overwhelm my home so I am keeping to numbers I can display in my study, a room 12ft x 10ft, or hang outside the house.
The bells I collect have not been easy to find. Really good quality bells from famous founders or with a story to tell only turn up occasionally.
So a collector has to decide what type of bell to collect, how many and at what cost. I am determined not to let my bells overwhelm my home so I am keeping to numbers I can display in my study, a room 12ft x 10ft, or hang outside the house.
The bells I collect have not been easy to find. Really good quality bells from famous founders or with a story to tell only turn up occasionally.
I have obtained a few on Ebay, some in antique shops, some via friends and some direct from foundries. When you let it be known what you collect you will get the odd call from someone who has found one they know will interest you. Those able to attend meetings of the American Bell Association can attend one of their bell auctions. Living in England that's not an option for me. Perhaps that's as well!
While we all enjoy a discovery in a most unexpected place. I love to visit a bell foundry and buy a new bell direct from the maker. At least that way you know exactly what you are getting and can ensure future owners know the bell's history.
Above all, have fun looking. And buy because you enjoy it.
Bronze or bell metal
Most of my bells are made of bronze or bell metal. This is an alloy of copper and tin. I asked John Taylor Bell Foundry to define the distinction between bronze and bell metal. This was the reply:
Hi Peter
Bell metal is just one of many variants of bronze, we only call it that because we use it!
Handbells have less tin-20% or so and small carillon bells have more, up to 25%.
Hope this helps.
Andrew Higson
So there you have it!
Hi Peter
Bell metal is just one of many variants of bronze, we only call it that because we use it!
Handbells have less tin-20% or so and small carillon bells have more, up to 25%.
Hope this helps.
Andrew Higson
So there you have it!
And here are some of my bells
Here are photos of some of my bells together with a little information about each one. As I look at my bells I often recall with a smile the day I found or collected the bell. Like the day I travelled to Loughborough to pick up the Town Criers bell from John Taylors. On the way back, the train stopped and it was annoumced that the driver was too tired to continue. Stranded for nearly two hours it meant missed connections and a very late return home. But it was worth it.
I am always delighted to show my bells to anyone interested, so if you are likely to be in the Sway area of the New Forest you can email me at to arrange a visit.
I am always delighted to show my bells to anyone interested, so if you are likely to be in the Sway area of the New Forest you can email me at to arrange a visit.
Cornille Havard

My interest in bells took root in Villedieu les poels in Normandy many years ago. I visited the Cornille Havard Foundry and enjoyed a tour of the buildings. There were some magnificent huge church bells ready for delivery. I wondered where they would end up. Whose lives would they touch? How would the world change before the bells needed replacing? Thought of all the events at which those bells would be heard. Bells are like that. They stir the imagination. At the end of the visit I bought a 4 inch diameter handled bell as a memento. Last year I gave it to my daughter who lived in New York at the time. She's now moving to Dallas so the bell's off again. Meanwhile, another excuse to contact Cornille Havard! This bell is the result. It has a 6 inch diameter. When the bell arrived it had a rather small handle probably due to a misunderstanding. During a trip to Whitechapel Bell Foundry I saw a delightful handle and asked them to fit it to this bell. It is made from Wenge and has a deep rich brown colour with an attractive grain.
Brass school bell

This is the bell which really set me off on bell collecting. I saw it at a local auction. Knowing virtually nothing about bells I tried to find out something about bell valuation. In the 'phone directory I found a bell hanging business in Bridport, Dorset. They offered some advice and I bought the bell. Later I visited the company, Nicholson Engineering, and saw many old bells either ready for hanging or restoration. They introduced me to the world of Whitechapel and Taylor's Bell Foundries. I visited Whitechapel for a tour of the Foundry. I was hooked! The bell has a diameter of 8 inches. The novelty Swiss Cowbell hangs from a curtain pole. One must fit these things in where one can.
Lymington School bell
Richard Sizer Fire Bell

Just love engraved bells! This one was made by Richard Sizer Ltd. Hull. It is engraved boldly on the bell together with FIRE BELL. Unusually the handle bears a label with a logo for GTE 82-90 Seymour Place W! London. Richard Sizer began founding in 19 century but I know nothing else about them. Still searching. As for GTE. I'm still trying to track them down. The bell has a diameter of 6 inches.
Merryweather Fire Bell

This old bell came from a 1930s Merryweather fire engine. I bought it from an employee of Nicholson's in Bridport, Dorset. They made the bracket it hangs from. More excuses for days out. When I bought the bell it had been repolished and looked like new. It is made of bell metal and now has a delightful patina which now protects it from corrosion. Also in view is another fire bell and the door bell pull.
Airfield Fire Bell
My Doorbell

A perfect example of a handled bell from the world's greatest bell foundry. Yes, I'm biased.
It is engraved:
Peter Hyde
New Forest
A gift to mark my 60th birthday. I love the idea of a named bell. Us bell enthusiasts should all have one. I want to add a suitable quotation. What would you have on your bell?
It stands 15 inches x 7 inches diameter.
Town Crier Bell
Kruszewski Brothers
Sanctus gong
I found this on Ebay described as a table bell! Some table. Some bell!
It is a superb example of a sanctus gong and has a glorious ring when tapped by a wooden mallet. The seller could not tell me where it was used. This is a worrying issue. I know churches are reluctant to acknowledge selling these items but one is left feeling uneasy without knowing that there has been a legitimate sale. Still, I will enjoy it and it looks magnificent with my group of sanctus bells. It is 17 inches high and the gong has a diameter of 10 inches. The sound tells me it is bronze.
The Sacring

Sanctus Bell
Henry Symondson

The Symondsons were another famous British Bell Founding family. Henry would have made this in London early 19th century. It was restored by Whitechapel. It bears the name B Jennings. Trevor Jennings is well known in bell ringing circles. He was the Curator of Taylors Museum and has written books about handbells and founding. I am still researching the possibility that B Jennings is an ancestor of Trevor's.
J Shaw & Son
Jury Officer's Bell?

Now this is a teaser. This was sold as a Jury Officers bell. It is marked JO on the crown. The bell is made from gunmetal so it made a change from my usual bell metal or bronze. As for JO representing 'Jury Officer' - I doubt it. If anyone can shed any light on this I will be pleased to amend my listing.
Warner's of London
William Haley
Walter Little, Rochester

As yet I know nothing of Walter apart from his probable connection with Rochester, Northumberland. The makers mark WH is perhaps William Hayley although the W is not like another Hayley bell I have.
This is a fine bronze bell 5 inches diameter. A leather thong is attached to the handle. Not something I have seen before. Perhaps for the bell to be hung out of reach or for convenience? I had a theory that it might have enabled it to hang from a Town Criers wrist while he held a parchment. But not known among my Crier contacts.
Schulmerich Musical Handbell

Whitechapel and Taylor's will claim to make the finest English musical handbells. After all, they have both been at it for 100s of years and they are in England. Now two American upstarts claim to be the best! Schulmerich began production of bells in 1935 and in 1962 started making English musical handbells. Having seen and heard bells from all four makers I think they are all great! Another import from the USA.
Malmark Musical Handbell

Malmark have been making handbells about as long as I've lived in the New Forest - about 30 years. Based in Plumsteadville, PA,USA they have rapidly become one of the world's premier makers of English handbells. A few emails and telephone calls and over it came. It was cheaper to buy direct from Malmark than from a UK agent.
Lowes Bells
Stuart Lowes used to work at the Whitechapel Bell Foundry before setting up his own small foundry in the North of England where he now produces hand made bronze bells and other small bronze gifts. Individual custom made orders are also undertaken. This little gem was one of a small number of bells made for York Minster. The diameter is just three inches. It has an oak handle and plinth.
Lowes entrance bell
Ohio Bicentennial Bell
New York
Telephone Bells
Cow Doorbells

No one gets into my study unnoticed or without waking me up. I was in Wimborne one day and went to an Antique Shop closing down sale. A sad occasion. On entering, these little gems made a terrific din. 'Sorry they are not for sale' I was told. After hearing my life history and of my passion for bells I finally wore the owner down and left triumphant. They now hang on my study door and easily outperform any guard dog.
Cow Gong

This sat in my mother's hallway long before I ever thought about bell collecting. We used to use it as a dinner gong. She lived until she was 92. She would be tickled pink to think that this little piece from her home was on view to the world. She had a small shop, selling antiques and general second hand goods. This was probably one of the many things she found that ended up at home. Collecting, like anything else, is in the genes.
Dorchester, Dorset

All I know about this little character is that it probably has one of the most beautiful tones of any in my collection. Just 10cm diameter, I found it in Dorchester. It didn't have any special claim to fame - but it sits proudly among it's more illustrious neighbours without a sign of embarrassment.
The Pompey Bell

I describe the story of this bell in a separate glog.
I just love this bell. And the reason for having it!
Pompey Bell Blog
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Air Raid Precautions

This ARP bell was used during air raids in the second world war. Made by the James Barwell Foundry in Birmingham, this one had a special handle and was used by the Mayor of Plymouth. At least that was the story I was told by the seller in a little shop in Dorset. Well, it looks like the sort of bell a Mayor would use!
Type 16 Telephone
Klaxon Horn
Jenny Lind

This is my brass lady bell collection. Well I had to have a least one. This is a very popular branch of bell collecting. Thousands are widely available and collectors battle over the rare ones. This had to be the one for me. Jenny Lind was a famous opera singer who was born in 1820 and became known as the Swedish nightingale. This version stands 5 inches tall. She sits in my study below a Royal Opera House poster for the Barber of Seville, which just happens to include a picture of my daughter as Rosina. Now that's another story. Meanwhile Jenny is keeping good company.
Servant's Bell

This is my very own servant's bell in regular daily use. Not that anyone ever hears it! The duck was a gift from a cricketing pal to mark one of my less notable performances. For a bell with a diameter of 6cm it makes quite a sound. They both sit next to my computer on one of my hi fi speakers. Everything has to be fitted in.
Embossed bells

There are probably thousands of these little bells around. They are mostly replicas of bells made long ago. Many have Latin words and religious symbols embossed on them. They can be used on counters or in the home to attract attention. This little lot sit on an old Emerson radio that came back on one of the great liners to England in 1946 from New York. I often listen to commentary from Fratton Park on it on Saturday afternoons. Any other Pompey fans out there?
Davis and Hill
A nice example of a good quality brass bell for a change. Since 1893 Davis & Hill have manufactured bells in Birmingham, the centre of the British Brass Industry. Individually hand made their range of items on offer are finished completely in house. Davis & Hill cast various types and differing sizes of desk, hand and ships bells. This is a 6 inch ships bell. I'm not keen on standard bell brackets so I had this one made by a local blacksmith to match the bracket on an old fire bell. The photos include one of both bells either side of the picture showing the moment England won the rugby world cup in 2003.
And this is the Company today:
Davis and Hill
And this is the Company today:
Davis and Hill
Muffin Bell
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