Monday, June 19, 2006

What next?

I hope I have conveyed some of the fun I have had in building my collection. I will be delighted to hear from anyone with a tale to tell. I hope too that I might encourage other collectors to publish a blog so that we might all share some of the delights of our shared interest. If nothing else, I have enjoyed doing this blog and now at least some of my family and friends can see one of the things I've been up to these past few years.

What next? I guess my collection is now moving towards 100 bells, most are in my little study with a few larger bells outside the house. I really don't have room for any more - I have even sold some to avoid overcrowding. But do collectors ever stop? I have no wish to emulate those with collections of hundreds or even thousands. But I guess we can all find room for that special gem which catches our eye........................................!!!!

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