Wednesday, June 21, 2006


This was the trademark used by James Barwell Ltd. on brass goods. Samuel Fiddian sold his business to James Barwell in 1840. He managed to keep his name going. This is not a very old bell but it is solid and durable. A typical school bell.


Anonymous said...

This bell looks remarkably similar to those produced by Barwells for the ARP in WW2.

Fido said...

Samuel Fiddian sold his business to James Barnwell. Barwell retained the name of Fiddian for use as a trademark. I guess that's why the bells look similar. said...

we just bought one of these bells at a garage sale and want to know about it and what it is worth


Unknown said...

I have a fiddian bell but the lettering is upside down were all others arethe right way up as the bell stands why?

Fido said...

I don't know. Perhaps someone will read this who can help!